Not a Tulip

Sunday, April 20, 2014

After seeing everyone's post of the Skagit Valley Tulip Fields, I decided I didn't want to let it pass me by this year.  I have been seeing some really unique ways of photographing the tulips and felt very inspired.  I wanted to see if I could think outside the box and capture something different.

As we are driving up North I am watching the weather and it's completely overcast.  I remove my sunglasses and like the warm glow the light layer of clouds are providing from the sun.  This feels like we are in a giant softbox. I keep checking this every 15 minutes and hope it doesn't rain.   

Steve and I discuss the weather and talk about how a good photographer should be able to turn lemons into lemonade.  You just never know what you are going to capture.  I've learned this the hard way back walking away from potential gems because the environment wasn't completely perfect for my liking. 

We are getting close to our exit and traffic comes to a screeching halt. People are turning out of the lane and into the shoulder about a quarter of a mile from the exit. Uh oh.  So we sit and contemplate and discuss for a few minutes and make a decision to try the next exit.  After pulling off on the next exit I look at the map and discover there is really no easy way to get to the fields from this exit and decide to try the same exit but coming from the North.

Great luck no shoulder line-up from this direction.  However, the back-up is absolutely insane.  I know if it's this bad here, how bad is it going to be by the fields.  How difficult is it going to be to find a good vantage point and have the view unobstructed.  

Again, a decision is made to just BAG IT!  I drove home kicking myself for not getting up at 5:00a.m. in order to get awesome shots of tulips with no one around!  It was a very long quiet ride home.

After we got home I noticed the light and how it was streaming onto the Dandelion seedling and thought it was a beautiful shot. Well, it's not a tulip, but I still think it's beautiful.

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